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Încălzitoare Unitate TOP - Unități montate pe perete și tavan – soluția de aer cald

Încălzitoare Unitate TOP - Unități montate pe perete și tavan – soluția de aer cald

TOP – Temperature-adjusted air TOP unit heaters – “TOP” in terms o f price and performance – largely meet the demand for economical and controllable air handling. TOP unit heaters are all-purpose units that can be installed on the wall or ceiling. Operating principle Air is drawn in through the sickle-blade silentlyoperating fan and is blown through the heat exchanger into the room. The models with large heat exchanger capacity are ideal for use with low water temperatures. Applications Buildings of all kinds, which are to be ideally heated and ventilated with centralised or decentralised control. Kampmann is completely modernising its unit heaters. As the market leader in this segment, we are responsibly taking a courageous step forwards and, from now on, will be relying systematically on EC technology to power and control our units. There are good reasons for this: — No wasted power — Continuously variable control — Minimum noise levels — ErP-compliant future Heating:LPHW (steam on request) Installation:wall- or ceiling-mounted Air flow:recirculating air, mixed air or primary air Heat exchanger:copper/aluminium, galvanised steel or cross-counterflow KaControl:optional Heat Output:4,1 –77,2 (at LPHW 75/65, tL1 = 20 °C) Energy source:electric
Masca Exfoliantă, Perle Lăptoase – Kanité - Cosmetice Organice

Masca Exfoliantă, Perle Lăptoase – Kanité - Cosmetice Organice

Ouesta maschera scrub e una cura organica complessa che si prende cura della lua pelle ogni giorno. Esfolia. rigenera e protegge il viso e ilcorpo. La sua formula combina le virtu purificanti e nutrienti con il potere esfoliante dei semi di karite. Questa maschera esfoliante da luminosita alia pelle. Affina la struttura della tua pelle. attivando la circolazione e la produzione di collagene. Prepara la pelle all'abbronzatura. la nutre e la rigeneraQuesta cura ti offre un'esfoliazione molto morbida per non aggredire la tua pelle. E composto da ingredienti naturali con potenti benefici: - Olio di Nigella. che lemsce. pulisce e facilita la guarigione: - Burro di karite. che nutre e protegge intensamente la pelle e ha proprieta ringiovanenti: - Lolio di baobab, ricco di acidi grassi. nutre e rafforza la barriera delta pelle. Formato:100 ml
RQ96FI – Indicator de Frecvență AN 37 (96x96mm)

RQ96FI – Indicator de Frecvență AN 37 (96x96mm)

Analoganziger RQ für Frequenzmessung (mit Zeiger) Abmessungen : DIN 48x48mm o. 72x72mm o. 96x96mm Zeigerausschlag : 90° oder 240° Direkter Spannungsanschluss 115V – 230V – 400 V – 440V Skala 45…55Hz – 45…65Hz – 55…65Hz – 360…440Hz Auf Anfrage : andere Werte und Gradeinteilungen, Tropenausführung, erschütterungssicher, Front Schutzart IP54, roter Einstellzeiger
Filtru albastru ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Filtru albastru ⌀ 5 cm - FILTRE COLORATE BIOPTRON

Blue represents peace, comfort and serenity. It relaxes, helps you to relax and has an antiseptic effect. Presentation Colours are all around us. They enrich our world in all aspects of life. Colour is light and light is colour. The sun emits light at different frequencies. It is believed that energy is transmitted in waves. The distance between successive waves is called the wavelength, and the number of oscillations of a wave in one second is called the frequency. These frequencies can be separated by a process called white light splitting. As white light passes through a crystal prism, it refracts and splits into the seven colours of the spectrum. Each colour has its own frequency. The physicist who first proved that white light is a mixture of different colours was Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation, who we already know. And it was Newton who used a prism in his experiment. As a general rule: the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. Item code:PAG-965-5CTF Product name:Blue filter ⌀ 5 cm Gross weight [KG]:0.16 Net weight [KG]:0.1 Producer:BIOPTRON AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Made in:Switzerland Filter/glass diameter:49.5mm Dimensions:160 x 160 x 60 mm Composition:1 box (the same for all the colors); 1 color filter; 1 pouch (labeled specially to each color) Warranty:2 years
Pai – 117042 - PAIE

Pai – 117042 - PAIE

Paille – 117042 - PAILLES UGS:117042 Paquet de 15 pcs assorties:15*55, 15*57 COULEUR:Naturel VENDU PAR:Pack 15
PGDT – Marcaj maritim certificat UL

PGDT – Marcaj maritim certificat UL

We have been designing and producing UL labels for well-known industrial companies since 1990. The requirements and regulations are very complex and may require a detailed consultation in order to explain the UL-compliant marking and the different application programs. The UL certification of an end product by an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) refers to every single component of the product. A label is such a component whose requirements are regulated in the UL 969 “Standard for Marking & Labeling Systems”.
Accesorii + Piese de schimb - PT1000 – Sistem de măsurare a temperaturii

Accesorii + Piese de schimb - PT1000 – Sistem de măsurare a temperaturii

Why temperature measurement? Information available regarding lifetime of the gearbox Lifetime extension of the gearbox and prevention of sudden gearbox failures Cost savings through prevention of unplanned machine stops Determination of oil temperature and oil condition Immediate reaction to thermic influences: timely maintenance measures (oil changes, change of the seals, replacement gearbox)
Tub solar – Tunel de lumină – Sun Tunnel Chatron

Tub solar – Tunel de lumină – Sun Tunnel Chatron

Captación, transmisión y difusión de iluminación solar natural El Tubo Solar – Túnel de Luz – Sun Pipe de Chatron son sistemas de captación y de transmisión de luz natural (daylight) hasta al interior de los edificios donde terminan con los difusores solares. Él es colocado en el exterior y maximiza la captación de la luz solar natural que va a entrar en el Tubo Solar – Túnel de Luz – Sun Pipe- y que encamina hasta el difusor solar colocado en el interior de la instalación. La grande ventaja es el poder llevar la luz natural al espacio que de otra forma era prácticamente imposible de iluminar: Iluminación de casas de baño interiores, corredores, caves etc. Los domos, los Tubo Solar – Túnel de Luz – Sun Pipe y los difusores solares a presentan particularidades únicas y selectivas, por lo que transmiten la “buena” luz y eliminan la luz prejudicial (UV, y parte de los Infrarrojos) porque la transmisión de calor o frio para el interior es residual.
Esomeprazol - Nexium

Esomeprazol - Nexium

Gastrointestinal disorders
Suspensie – Metal și Țesătură – Negru Perforat și Aurie

Suspensie – Metal și Țesătură – Negru Perforat și Aurie

La collection est élégante et romantique, avec des designs doux et harmonieux, des nuances en relief qui filtrent la lumière et améliorent la lumière à l’intérieur. Cette suspension complétera parfaitement votre intérieur pour sublimer votre décoration. Poids:1440 g Dimensions:42 × 40 × 22 cm Hauteur:110 cm Diamètre:40 cm Longueur du fil:1m Puissance en w:40 W Type de culot:E27
N°3 – Ceai Energie Boost/Vitalitate BIO - Colecția de Infuzii

N°3 – Ceai Energie Boost/Vitalitate BIO - Colecția de Infuzii

Trim CBD*, thé vert China Gunpowder* (74%), citronnelle* (10%), maté vert* (6%), arôme naturel, thé blanc Mao Feng*, thé noir Golden Yunnan OP*, écorces de citron*, mauve*, prêle*, dentdelion*, thé vert Matcha*, spiruline*, guarana*. *Issus de l’agriculture biologique. 45 grammes Note Nos fleurs de CBD et résines sont issues d’agriculture biologique européenne, cultivées sans pesticides et conformes à la loi européenne en contenant moins de 0,2% de THC. Pour d’autres conseils d’utilisation, consultez notre Magazine dédiée à l’actualité du CBD. Infusion Collection by Lord Of CBD – Thé Énergie Boost/Vitalité BIO au CBD Un subtile parfum de citron et d’abricot pour un thé énergisant à boire sans modération… Ce thé est composée à 10% de fleurs de CBD, couplé à la puissance et aux bienfaits d’un thé vert Macha et du guarana pour faire le plein de vitalité. Temps d’infusion:2-3 min Température de l’eau:80°C POIDS:0.45 kg
Seria G – Rotoflux pentru Temperaturi Ridicate

Seria G – Rotoflux pentru Temperaturi Ridicate

Die Drehdurchführungen der G-Serie sind für den Durchfluss von Medien bei hohen Temperaturen entwickelt worden. Die speziellen Faltenbälge sind speziell für diese Anwendung aus Edelstahl hergestellt worden und garantieren bei starker Beanspruchung eine lange störungsfreie Lebensdauer. Die feinstgeläppte Graphitdichtung passt sich – dank der Flexibilität des Faltenbalges – perfekt an die feinstgeläppte gehärtete Stahldichtung der rotierenden Welle an. Die beiden gesinterten Graphitbuchsen ermöglichen eine optimale Rotation in Achsrichtung ohne jegliche Probleme.
Crema pentru Mâini – 30ml - Delirium Floral Nou

Crema pentru Mâini – 30ml - Delirium Floral Nou

Texture non collante, veloutée et non-grasse, cette crème pour les mains parfumée,contenant pas moins de 97% d’ingrédients d’origine naturelle, diffuse ses bienfaits hydratants et enveloppants. Enrichie d’un cocktail de 4 huiles nourrissantes (Avocat bio, Noisette, pépinsde Figue de Barbarie et pépins de Raisin) et également des cires d’abeille et de Jojoba, sa formule fond instantanément sur la peau et la laisse incroyablement douce et délicieusement parfumée des enivrantes notes d’Iris et de Patchouli.
Masă de dormitor – 2122

Masă de dormitor – 2122

Solid wood bedroom table In the rich catalog of furniture factory “Evrica” you will come across more than the known type of furniture samples. Thanks to our production you will enjoy a luxurious variety that is available to our foreign customers. Part of this offer is a bedside table – a smaller version of Ref. 2123. The “little one” is used mainly for a bedside table, and together they represent a popular set for hotel furniture in Italy. Although Bulgarians are proverbially practical and do not like to overload themselves with furniture, this product enjoys great interest in our country. This should not surprise anyone, given the exceptional design of this bedroom table. The model has a rectangular top, the base of which rests on legs designed in a retro style. The whole construction ends with a very practical drawer, which goes with the corresponding beautiful fittings. Thanks to its exquisite lines, this bedroom table fits perfectly into almost any type of interior.
OKS 570 – Acoperire legată cu PTFE

OKS 570 – Acoperire legată cu PTFE

Dry lubrication of the most varied materials sliding on top of or rubbing against each other (such as metals, wood, ceramic, rubber, and also adhesives or paintable plastics) Anti-stick coating of seals or sealing surfaces of all kinds to prevent sticking-on To cure the squeaking noises of soft on hard materials For water-repellent impregnation of absorbent materials Separating film in cast resin applications Advantages and benefits Dry, non-soiling film Highly effective due to good adhesion to prepared substrates Colourless and odourless low-friction coating with non-stick properties Prevents frictional corrosion Dries at room temperature Also available as spray version OKS 571 Operating temperature:-180 °C → +260 °C Press-fit:µ = 0.07 Thread friction (M10/8,8):µ total = 0.10
Paleta Gourmet Aurie – Fără os – 1,4 Kg - CENTRE DE ȘUNCĂ ȘI UMBRICĂ (FĂRĂ OS)

Paleta Gourmet Aurie – Fără os – 1,4 Kg - CENTRE DE ȘUNCĂ ȘI UMBRICĂ (FĂRĂ OS)

Centro de paleta deshuesada de una pieza alargada y estilizada, de caña fina. Presenta un color rosa oscuro-magenta, un sabor intenso, un olor extraordinario, con diversas infiltraciones de grasa veteada, suave y brillante. Nuestras paletas se caracterizan por ser dulces (muy poco salados), por lo que están otorgadas de un sabor delicado y con una curación entre 28 y 36 meses. Proceso de Elaboración: Despiece en caliente, enfriado, corte en v, salado, secado natural y reposo bodega. Ingredientes: Paleta Ibérica Bellota, Sal Peso: 1,400 Kg Condiciones de distribución y transporte: A temperatura ambiente no existen restricciones. Si está envasado al vacío a Tª inferior a 5ºC. Para su consumo la temperatura recomendada es de 15º-18ºC. Proceso de Elaboración:Despiece en caliente, enfriado, corte en v, salado, secado natural y reposo bodega. Peso:1,400 Kg Ingredientes:Paleta Ibérica Bellota, Sal
Zeus 106 – role ștergătoare - Role ștergătoare

Zeus 106 – role ștergătoare - Role ștergătoare

Zeus 106 – wiper rolls - Wiper rolls Cod. Product:27130GF EAN code:8011909010634 Paper quality / composition:Pure Cellulose Guardian:2 Processing:Embossed Tears:680 per roll Tear size:H 26 x 38 cm Rolls per pack:2 Packs per pallet:54


Die HyCare™ ist eine nach strengsten Hygienestandards konstruierte Lebensmittelpumpe. Sie fördert schonend und schützt dadurch die Qualität der Fördermedien.
Mini biscuiți sărați: Chorizo – Comté A.O.P. - Biscuiți sărați

Mini biscuiți sărați: Chorizo – Comté A.O.P. - Biscuiți sărați

Vous avez envie d’originalité pour l’apéro, laissez-vous surprendre par nos cookies salés pour l’apéritif. Alors pourquoi pas vous laissez tenter par nos cookies salés chorizo – comté A.O.P. Gourmand et addictif il vous tend les bras. Énergie:2153 kj / 515 kcal Matières grasses:20.00 g Dont acides gras saturés:19.00 g Glucides:54.00 g Dont sucres:7.50 g Protéines:11.00 g Sel:3.00 g
Floare de caramel “Phare” – 20cl - Lichior pe bază de lapte

Floare de caramel “Phare” – 20cl - Lichior pe bază de lapte

La base laitière fait de cette liqueur un cousin de la fameuse Irish Cream. Le caramel salé apporte une touche différente et gourmande qui nous transporte instantanément en Bretagne.


PERJETA 420 MG / 14 ML Active ingredient:Pertuzumab COO:ITALY
Curea Carabină Panama Verde – 32256-83 - Diverse Curele

Curea Carabină Panama Verde – 32256-83 - Diverse Curele

Green panama carabiner belt, fully lined with velvet sponge, leather straps at the ends, sewn and reinforced with rivets, width 55 mm.
Plăci de placaj de 8 mm – Plop, B/BB, IF20, E1...

Plăci de placaj de 8 mm – Plop, B/BB, IF20, E1...

Große Auswahl an Plattenwerkstoffen 8 mm Sperrholzplatten – Pappel, B/BB, IF20, E1 beidseitig geschliffen - auch in vielen weiteren Dimensionen und Ausführungen am Lager! Kontaktieren Sie uns!
Picurător Asamblat Seară 100 ml – Supt Negru

Picurător Asamblat Seară 100 ml – Supt Negru

Bei dem Produkt handelt es sich um eine zusammengebaute Pipette namens - Der zusammengebaute Tropfer „Evening 100 ml“ ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das für die präzise und kontrollierte Abgabe von Flüssigkeiten entwickelt wurde. Es verfügt über einen schwarzen Sauger und einen weißen PP-Halsband, was ihm ein elegantes und professionelles Aussehen verleiht. Der Tropfer ist mit einem DIN18-Gewinde ausgestattet und gewährleistet so die Kompatibilität mit einer Vielzahl von Flaschen und Behältern. Eines der herausragenden Merkmale dieses Tropfers ist seine 108-mm-Glaspipette mit gerader Spitze. Die Glaskonstruktion gewährleistet die Reinheit und Unversehrtheit der ausgegebenen Flüssigkeit und eignet sich daher ideal für die Verwendung mit empfindlichen Substanzen wie ätherischen Ölen, Pharmazeutika und Kosmetika. Das Design mit gerader Spitze ermöglicht eine präzise und gezielte Anwendung, minimiert Abfall und sorgt für eine effiziente Nutzung. Saugermaterial:Nitrilkautschuk (NBR) Kragenfaden:DIN18 Material pipettieren:Glas Pipettenspitzentyp:gerade Spitze Gerätegewicht:7,0 g
#12 Stil Pătrat (id.1-1/2 ”) Și (od.2-7/16” ) Ochiuri & Rondelle - Finisaj Nichelat

#12 Stil Pătrat (id.1-1/2 ”) Și (od.2-7/16” ) Ochiuri & Rondelle - Finisaj Nichelat

Metal #12 (1- 1/2'') Square Style Grommets & Washers - Our quality Micron Curtain Grommets are made of heavier gauge brass material, are corrosion resistant ,will not rust and is non magnetic. Finishes:Nickel Inner diameter:1 1/2” Outer diameter:2 7/16″ Material:Brass Weight:1.00 lbs Style:Square SKU:N/A Categories:Galvanized Iron and Brass Material Curtain Grommets
Bec Yoni din Aventurin – 10 cm - Bețe Yoni

Bec Yoni din Aventurin – 10 cm - Bețe Yoni

Aventurine Yoni Stick Bulb – 10 cm - Yoni Sticks
Capac Deschis Bebeto (vârf) Capse 10,5 mm (#16 – 17 Ligne) Capac - Capac Deschis Bebeto (vârf) Capse

Capac Deschis Bebeto (vârf) Capse 10,5 mm (#16 – 17 Ligne) Capac - Capac Deschis Bebeto (vârf) Capse

These snaps are extremely easy to apply. All of our quality bebeto snaps feature prongs which provide a better grip onto fabrics. These fasteners remain securelyin place wash after wash, easy to use commercial quality, nosew fasteners. Open Prong type with regular teeth is easy to attach on stretch and woven fabrics directly. Categories:Open Cap Bebeto(Prong) Snaps, Snaps SKU:N/A
Baterie Reîncărcabilă Rovimex 18650 (3200 Mah-1c) – 2 Bucăți - Baterie Reîncărcabilă

Baterie Reîncărcabilă Rovimex 18650 (3200 Mah-1c) – 2 Bucăți - Baterie Reîncărcabilă

Rechargeable Batteries 18650 mAh battery with Rovimex quality technological materials Strict QC test Less than 1% failure rate 12 Months Warranty
Concasseur de Impact – GIPOKOMBI RC 100

Concasseur de Impact – GIPOKOMBI RC 100

Vente – Neuf Usage : concassage, criblage, démolition, recyclage GIPOKOMBI – PERFORMANT, MASSIF, ÉPROUVÉ La série GIPOKOMBI est un gage de garantie éprouvé pour les plus hautes performances et constitue le leader incontesté de la branche pour les utilisations extrêmes jusqu’à 1 100 tonnes de performance horaire. Les installations peuvent être utilisées dans tous les domaines du traitement de matières minérales. Trémie d’alimentation:4,5 m³ Goulotte d’alimentation / Alimentateur vibrant:900 x 3500 mm Arrivée / Entrée du concasseur à percussion:970 x 800 (920) mm Diamètre du rotor:1,2 m Puissance du broyeur:jusqu’à 250 T/h Goulotte de décharge / Extracteur vibrant en acier:900 x 2300 mm Convoyeur de reprise / de décharge du concasseur:1,2 x 8 m Crible à 2 étages:1,5 x 3,5 m Tapis d’évacuation / Convoyeur d’évacuation principal (sous le crible):800 x 7900 mm Convoyeur de renvoi / de retour des surclassés:500 x 8400 mm Powerpack:CAT C13 ACERT / 328 kW Longueur – transport:18,2 m Largeur – transport:3 m Hauteur – transport:3,75 m Poids:52T
WAPORIT – GFK – Grătare

WAPORIT – GFK – Grătare

Begehbare, gegossene, glasfaserverstärkte Kunststoffgitterroste • Leichte Ausführung für normale Belastungen • Lebensmittelbeständig • Sogar für Rollwagen Befahrung geeignet • In verschiedenen Höhen bis 40 mm Lieferbar • Farben, Oberflächen und Harzqualitäten Variabel • Nichtleitende und Nichtmagnetische Eigenschaften • Brandhemmende Ausführungen möglich • In Nasszonen Oberflächen Rutschsicher nach R13 • Leichte Montage und Handhabung ganzer Platten • Zuschnitte nach Zeichnung oder Ihren Angaben • Einfache Bearbeitung der nicht besandeten Oberflächen mit einfachen Werkzeugen wie z.B. Kreis- oder Stichsägen etc. • Ansprechende Optik -> unsere Gitter sind Durchgefärbt und Wartungsfrei